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Our Breeding Window comes to a close

Writer's picture: Hoekema FamilyHoekema Family

Grand success has been bestowed upon me these last two weeks during my breeding window with these amazing 3 girls of mine. 

I always hope that within this time everything will go as planned and with no plan B to put into place. To have your plan A go perfectly smooth is a massive bonus and one I thank my lucky and blessed stars for.


Meiko and Tonka paired up early last week with ease and without a hitch. Tonka turned on a dime the moment Isla shifted, and they paired later that week successfully just as smoothly and exactly as planned. 

Having my own resident stud on site feels like in a way I'm cheating as my breedings have been incredibly easy. I've been outsourcing to other breeders stud's for years now to get my girls prego so now that I have a complete program with my own stud it almost feels too easy. It's been a long road for me to get to the point of having a full and complete program with the dogs that I have now. 

There's been an incredible amount of planning,  things to consider, take into account, put into play, and think about when adding a stud into my program here. Many breeders never own their own studs for many reasons so I feel over the moon blessed.  I couldn't have had it go any better any smoother or have had any higher success than I have had with these pairings. There are of course more milestones to cross as these pregnancies are not yet confirmed so we will still have to cross that milestone ahead.  I am incredibly hopeful for the future not only for these two litters but for Tonka's future litters here with us.

Tonka once again turned on a dime the day... the hour that Leia shifted. This whole process is extremely fascinating to watch. To watch mother nature do it's thing exactly the way it should.  Watching hour to hour behaviors shift right in front of my eyes.  One moment attention is on one girl or on nothing at all and then the next moment, focus is dialed in to a tee on exactly what it should be. 


Tonka gives me a weepy look as he sadly gets turned away from Leia. Sorry boy, into the side yard you go! 

Because I decided not to pair Tonka up with Leia this time around, he needed to have his play time separated from the other dogs, at least for this past week. No understanding was had by him! 

I did rotate him out though back into the main yard and put Leia and Neema to play with her into the side yard so they got turns in both areas. 

Leia got paired with an outside stud, Winston, who lives down in Newberg, Oregon. 

This last pairing did take a lot more planning, thought, time, and aligning schedules to make this happen the way I had planned. Multiple trips to the vet office to test progesterone levels were done to try to time and line up this breeding perfectly. Once everybody had their ducks in a row and those ducks looked mighty perfect, we headed south. The breedings took place perfectly without any hitch whatsoever. You always cross your fingers and hold your breath for everything to happen naturally and smoothly, but you always have a plan B in place just in case. I was blessed beyond belief with these three breedings that plan B was never entertained.

It was exceptionally fun to spend some one on one time with Leia. A dear friend was so kind to put me up in her home overnight during this time. I felt very out of place being waited on in this fashion but soaked it all up as it's not very common I kick my feet up. 

Leia traveled well but was happy to be home with her pack.  This gives just a touch of insight into the behind the scenes organization that it takes to simply get these pups started. The whole process is extensive but the magic that happens at the end makes the effort put in more than worth it.


Tonka is still being separated from Leia as it's obvious her receptive window is not yet closed. The high energy around here will start to diminish in a couple more days and we will slide back into cruise mode for awhile. We now wait for the next milestone to be upon us. Ultrasounds on these girls will take place in 3 to 4 weeks, where pregnancy confirmation will hopefully bring us good news 3x's over. This ultrasound won't give anything close to a number count (common question) but simply a confirmation of a viable pregnancy. I am hopeful we'll have nothing short of success with all 3 of these girls. I'm ecstatic for all these litters ahead, and each one is going to be downright gorgeous. Gorgeous in their own way but equally beautiful. 


Right now, I have due dates set for - 


Meiko/Tonka Due Oct. 13th

Pups go home Dec. 1 - 8


Isla/Tonka Due Oct. 19th

Pups go home Dec. 7 - 14


Leia/Winston Due Oct. 22nd.

Pups go home Dec. 10 - 17


What is ahead for me is definitely daunting, but where there is a will, there is a way, and I definitely without a doubt in my mind, have that will. 

I continue to once again thank all the families that I have on board for your patience, trust in me, my program and my dogs throughout this whole process in waiting for this perfect puppy to enter this world to join your own family soon. 


In the months ahead gearing up to and throughout this whole process, I am going to give everything I possibly have towards what's involved. 

I will try my absolute best to stay on top of things the way I want and to keep my highest standard around here with my dogs,  pups and families involved as I work through this process.

I do ask for your patience and understanding as what's ahead is a lot not only to care for this many puppies, but the mamas involved, my other dogs, my families on board and to juggle life somewhere in this mix. If I have to call in the troops to help me along the way, that is exactly what I will do. We will have to do things in groups when it comes to car rides, bath times, stroller rides and yes probably your visit times as well. But all in all it will be an exceptional adventure and one that I hope you will be just as excited to be on as I am. 

On another note, Neema continues to simply be part of our pack here and fits in perfectly. Tonka loves her to death, she loves Leia, Isla is content with anything and Meiko doesn't really give her the time of day as long as she's got me she's happy.

She does everything a new puppy is supposed to do and adds the best kind of entertainment there is. She is as smart as a whip and learns all new tasks that I ask of her instantly. She is a doll in all ways possible. Can't wait to give her a baby sister out of this Leia litter!!!!

Hold tight everyone! This is going to be an exceptionally fun few months ahead!!!


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