'Gotcha Day' came around with extreme speed, great joy and so much more.
I am completely and utterly overwhelmed in the best way possible this weekend as these beautiful Reindeer babies fly out the door and into their new world. The babies themselves touched my heart and soul and I will miss them like no other, but the families... these families have been above and beyond, really truly THE BEST! Gratitude has been poured over me from these families every step of way and for that I will be forever grateful for. I give my everything to my program here, to my dogs, to the environment, to their home and to their babies and to have these families not only notice all this but to be abundantly grateful for it all... I am blessed, lucky, so incredibly thankful to have so much support and love sent my way.
THANK YOU for trusting me with this process, these babies, your baby. Thank you for sharing your many amazing stories of love, loss and renewal. I am honored to be a small part of your story as I move this pup over to you and to help create a new chapter as you start your adventures together.
These pups hands down were stellar for me this week. 9 baths were had which the pups loved! and everyone got primped and polished for the big day. Last group mug shots were taken and stored as history. I altered my system to make sure they didn't trip me up as every one of them wanted the attention from me that of course they deserve. Soon I told them soon. Soon, you can root into laps to your hearts content. Rudolph still climbs and Blitzen still spins but they continued to steal my heart all week.
Everything went as planned leading up to Gotcha Day and every step of the way as each pup went home, I couldn't have asked for it to go any smoother. The smiles were wide and abundant, hearts were expanded, and souls were being healed faster than anyone knew possible.
Dasher claimed Lola quickly and easily.
Dancer adopted Webster the Dancer
Prancer took on Prancing Sadie with grace
Vixen is now Finley fair haired Courageous One
Comet gobbled up Ollivander with spunk
Cupid took on Cupid's Chamois
Donner became Thierry Theo Henry with dignity
Blitzen, or tiny Blitzie easily took on Sophie and loved every inch of her name
And Rudolph... our big gorgeous leader of the pack Rudolph is going out into this world with Pride as Rudolph's Finian of Magic Hill.
As I wrote their last farewell post for each of them on FB, I unexpectedly had to take a breather as I caught my heart in my throat. Oh they have touched me this time.
My hope is I'll see each and every one of these pups again if not soon, some time down the road. To see how much magic they have done, how much joy they have created, and how many smiles they've made. Hopefully not too many nerves were frazzled, not to many moments were tested, not too many socks, sticks, rocks, pinecones were consumed... oh dear this list goes on! Be good babies!
It's been a journey with you but your adventures are really just starting. Rock it claim it kill it live it up love it up down sideways onwards and forward kids! Fly high my sweet Reindeer pups. Work your magic with your new people so I can continue to work mine here.
My focus has jumped over to Sola and Isla a touch the last few weeks as I've added a few extra health tests to their belt. Sola was previously cleared but got her Pennhip added as a bonus but a big one for me and my program is my honey colored Isla girl. Last weekend not only did she complete her full series of health testing but passed and cleared with flying colors. She is now officially added to our breeding program here. A sign of relief and a holler of celebration was had. I do my very best to bring in girls with exceptional lineage and strong backgrounds but always let out a sigh of relief when they actually pull off what I think and hope they will. I am extremely excited to have some honey colored pups hopefully by this fall to pass along to many families ahead. Her litter list is already filling. Again I am blessed beyond belief. and she says "I'm ready for this mama role thing!"
I have my Sola girl on watch daily waiting for her to show signs of starting her next journey for so many eager and waiting families. Nothing yet but I don't miss a beat as I have her under my thumb and on my close radar. Silas says sign me up anytime! Haha! He's an phenomenal boy in more ways than a handful. Sweet as ever but also very good and efficient at his job which I am grateful for. Not all studs are this tuned in and do their jobs well. Maybe too much info for you all! But I am just grateful to have him as part as my breeding program and to Sire these next few litters this year. He's throwing some gorgeous pups and I look forward to putting more of these beautiful babes into waiting arms this year.
So to all my Sola families, hang tight, your turn is right around the corner ever so near. I will hopefully have new news very soon on the horizon of the start of your journey. These Reindeer pups have flown but I already can't wait to start again with a whole new litter of pups and a new group of I'm sure, phenomenal families once again.
My heart is content as my attention now turns back full time to my own dogs, 2 legged kiddos, and my family here for awhile. Extra love to Sola, more snuggles to Meiko, extra hugs to Isla and an extra romp with Leia.
Thank you once again to you all for your support, love and gratitude in this journey.