It is with great excitement and an extra skip in my step this morning that I get to share with you all that we now have a BELLY BUMP! Always an extremely fun milestone to cross as the days tick by while you patiently wait for confirmation of babies on the way. From here on out growth picks up pace extraordinarily so we should see Sola slowing down a touch more as the days tick by. She still loves her romps and rolls in the yard and tries to stay the leader of all races but a smile creeps across my face when she was the first to lie down yesterday.
Here's a exceptional baby photo of Sola when she was a wee pup to give you a visual of what's ahead. She's only about 2 wks. old in this photo, just a tiny belly dragger at this point but looks already to die for.
The days have been extremely wet lately so I am torn between letting the dogs enjoy the cool weather and slight rain and having them head to toe soaking wet by the end of the evening. There have been more than a few days where they got shut inside their doghouse for a couple of hours in an attempt to keep them dry and clean. They pouted profusely of course about having their outdoor time taken away. Meanwhile outside the wind blew sideways and the rain flooded every inch of everyone’s property. I hope everyone faired ok through that rough patch, I know some didn’t so I’m crossing my fingers for a little more open skies for the days ahead. The dogs get thoroughly mucky ‘helping’ me pull up the rest of the garden greens for the season and find apple after apple underneath the apple trees they think were left especially for them. The horses over the fence get a few here and there before the trees are cleared for the year. All signs of the upcoming end of the year and the start of this next wonderful chapter ahead of us.
Christmas is practically a hop skip and a jump away and from there all focus will be shifted to these upcoming pups. I’ve been deep cleaning their doghouse this past week getting ready to set up the nursery area. Retrievers being retrievers of course they were right there once again ‘helping’ me wash walls pushing their newly coated mudded bods against me and the freshly scrubbed white walls. Thanks dogs. It’s an endless battle. Getting decent pictures for you all is a challenge as I cringe watching them roll in the garden thoroughly enjoying their playtime. So much for that photo for the day.
I look back at some summer photos of past puppies and see these 3 wk. old belly dragging fluff balls waddling through the green grass. This time round they will be stumbling through puddles exploring with a different kind of enrichment! All in the life of a wee pup. I love it all, despite the weather. It’s where I live and I make the most out of each and every day. I’m crazy excited for this next litter of pups as I know each one of them will be drop dead gorgeous. I hope so many of you get the opportunity to bring into your home and hearts one of these beautiful pups. I no longer do xrays on mamas in their pregnancies to confirm puppy count as so many times there the count is wrong with an extra pup or even 2 hiding behind another. The last thing I want is to leave a laboring mama thinking she is done and have another pup or 2 arrive without me expecting it and lose it because I’m not there to help. I will stay by her side night and day for a few days before and after just to make sure I have done everything I possibly can to get these pups to the other side as happy and as healthy as possible. So for now I will leave you with this update and let you go back to patiently waiting. The holiday season will fill time wonderfully and as you put away those last decorations you soon enough will be switching your décor to puppy playpens, crates and toys underfoot everywhere. I will be in touch of course.
Happy Holidays to all, enjoy your family, stay healthy and of course happy from ear to ear.