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  • Writer's pictureHoekema Family

Flower Pups 3 wks old

I'm pulled in many different directions every day every moment but my heart is here. I continue to support, lift, encourage and tend to past families, dogs that I've helped create stories with, families building new stories but the core of my passion is always focused on my pack here, my fur babies and who they have so lovingly brought into this world. Meiko always under my hand, Tonka under my other, Sola playing on her back under my feet and the other 2 blurring my field as they pass in a whir.

This week has been thick and heavy with distractions of all kinds, but has led me to make the many improvements I need to make to my program here stronger. I make these improvements every litter as there is always room to up my standards, raise my bar for the better, adjust in how things are taken care of, always more ways to give back, ways to alter my steps I take as I raise my pups. All this gives me strength and a stronger structure in my program to be able to spend more time with my dogs and with you all who are eagerly waiting for your own pups as well.

These current pups, these magnificent 'Flowers' are growing leaps and bounds. I turn my head and they have grown further up to the sun and rooted deeper into the earth. They have become more stable in their growth and reached out beyond what I thought was possible in one day flat. From here on out until they go off to their forever homes, it's full speed ahead, for both the pups and for me and my team.

The pups have transitioned to mostly nursing while Meiko stands which is a very big kid thing to do. Kibble was also introduced yesterday which is always a hit with the pups. They jitter and vibrate little pull string toys as that first soaked little piece of kibble gets offered to them. They will be hand fed for a few days so not to overload their systems and then slowly they will move onto their own bowls in their individual crates. They have not yet mastered (at all) mastered drinking water from a bowl. More gets snuffed up then down the hatch at all so we are working on that.

Potty trays got put in immediately right behind offering kibble. All these new changes made them fuss heavily but they are capable of so much, they adjust so quickly. We have to hold them up to what they are capable of and not baby them too much. They are smarter than we give them credit for at times.

Outdoor play also commenced this week. Again, they weren't sure what to think but it's my job to instill confidence into their tiny little selves as they start to explore this big wide world. They did fabulous! It took them a good long miserable (or they thought so) 5 mins. of flat out crying before they settled into exploring and taking on the outside air. They lasted another 10 mins. successfully before they started to crash out. So much excitement for these little flowers!

Each pup is little bigger, a little smaller, a little wider, a little leaner but really will end up all the same size in the end. Interesting how this plays out. From here my radar is very much picking up personalities as I sit and observe them day to day. Who's a bit more independent, more clingy, a touch more leader of the pack, lazy perhaps? sweet and slow? I note each behavior and mark repetition in their file.

Group visits start next week for these wee ones. Families are itching to get their hands on them. I simply cannot wait to share them with so many.

Tonka once again has taken on the role of being an amazing role model. He was phenomenal with the last pups and is showing the same care taking signs with these pups. So gentle, so slow, so aware of every step he takes. Willing to share his chewies once again to teach that sharing is a good thing. Very compliant to babes crawling on him and a calming nature that I love to see him passing on to anyone he possibly can.

So as the summer months winds down (NNoooo!) and the 'rumor' that school is starting up again soon (NNNOOOoooo!) I try not to jump too far forward into thinking of the cooler fall months ahead. My lawn is screaming for moisture but my lawnmower is taking a nice vacation from work in the garage. So there are pros and cons to every season turning over so I just pull what the best out of each one that comes. I've learned to let go of what I can't control and accept what I am so blessed to have. I find the courage to change what I think I can, to change and shift when I think is appropriate and the wisdom to figure out between the 2 in when I should step up and when it's best to step back.

For what's ahead, I welcome it all with welcome arms. I am hopeful I can add to your story with confidence, brilliance and vibrancy beyond what you would expect. This is my goal. Love from Mama Meiko!

I have also added an extra piece of writing on my 'more' page for anyone that is interested. Here's the direct link....


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