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5 wk old pups & Energy Transfer

We all know that one person who walks into the room glowing and almost spewing with happiness. Their energy they bring is excessively upbeat, peppy and consumes everyone around them with light and uplifting laughter. Very much like this girl here.

We also know the opposite type of person who is a grumbling downer much of the time. That kind of energy is a massive drain on those who not only engage with them but even come into close proximity to them. There is an abundance of different personalities in between these two examples. Most people have many moods and many states of being, regardless of their primary energy output. The individual energy of the moment can change the dynamics of a situation drastically. This energy output that gets transferred can very much happen between humans and dogs as well. I've been exploring this more and more recently.

How you choose to approach and handle a situation can dramatically affect the outcome of a situation. Dogs very much pick up on our energy, just like other people do. Every move that we make involves some form of energy, whether positive or negative, rushed or calm. How we move and how we speak affects others and that is even more pronounced with dogs than with other people. Body language, facial expression, and a state of being communication is primal communication at its finest. It's how dogs communicate best. We as humans, owe it to the dogs in our lives to better understand this. We can project calmness, or we can project intensity and everything in between. We can mold a situation in part with how we handle interactions. We can use movements alone to shift the focus where we want it because this alone is energy. Everything is energy.

This is said to be true because dogs are not distracted by a constant barrage of thoughts and concerns, our beloved dogs are really, more broadly aware than we are, and thus can perceive energy differently than we do.

If we learn how to settle our own energy and create an environment that brings peace and tranquility, we can very much so alter the situation to everyone’s benefit. If you greet your dog with a state of heightened excitement, your dog is going to get equally excited leading to behaviors that aren't at all desired. Why not combat this from the very start from the very beginning and having the right energy and mind set from the get go.

A solid energy field built into your pup helps mold the foundation of any situation. Future puppy training and behavior modification can more effectively take place if you have your field set from the very beginning.

So, I take my own pack now as it grows each and every year. I go in settled, less excitement, continuing guidance, a calming presence, and a patient state and energy.

I explore this more and more as I my own life shifts and grows. The last 2 years for me have been extremely difficult as I have gone through a great loss in my life, which I haven't talked about with many. I have only gotten to a point in my life very recently where I can bring words to the table to share tidbits of my story. I realize that by doing so, I can use this to pass along understanding, knowledge, and how energy transfer very much takes place with whatever is going on in your life. Whether we use this in simply greeting our dogs with full force happiness or making this a little more in depth and referring to loss and love, the energy that surrounds us is way more intense than anyone gives it credit. I am a different person today than I was 2 years ago and my dogs have gone through every day with me feeling every moment, every flood of anxiety, each moment of tears and every ounce of projecting growth that I desperately grabbed a hold of that I knew they were sending me. I know I didn't realize it at first in the blur of a moment but as I explored what was happening around me and how I reacted and how that affected my dogs, I eventually learned and was able to alter my state of being.

So, I ask you all to explore this with me a bit more as so many of you are eagerly awaiting a new bundle of love. It's something that deserves more attention. Are you aware of your energy field enough that you have a grasp on what you bring to the table? How will you do in your current state, your recent energy as a new puppy parent when everything goes your way...what if it doesn't...Can you stay calm and collected and hold it together when need be? Regardless if you have a new pup or an older dog, they very much will pick up on this. Can you project confidence and let go of enough anxiety to not transfer this to your new pup. Can you resist the urge to greet pup with what YOU want and put into place what the pup NEEDS. Think about it.

These dogs do so much for us that it's our responsibility to build their foundation as strong as possible so they can live and love to their fullest capability.

Let's learn to use own energy better so we can create, mold, shape and give back to these new pups coming into homes so that they grow to be confidence, calm, peaceful beings in our homes that so desperately want to just love us to pieces.

As these thoughts, ideas, and training tactics change over time for me, they also change for each of my dogs. It's miraculous to watch take place. I very much notice the dynamics change all the time as I change and learn to shift for the better. The way I am training Tonka today is not the way I trained Isla & Leia for instance. I have learned so much about myself, different training methods and how to pass these along with not only my story but how to implement them into your lives to have the most success as possible.

As far as Tonka, he's doing amazing, his impulse control is coming along phenomenally, his state of calmness is mind blowing as he sits peacefully at my feet quietly waiting for his food. Never jumping up, never biting or nipping. He slowly gets rubs and continued praise for how good he is every moment. Everything happens at slow speed. He checks out when the energy gets too high and asks for help when his field gets invaded. Shouldn't we all do this?! So much to learn from our dogs.

Sola is doing exactly what she's supposed to at this stage, weaning the pups more and more every day. Doing what she knows to build confidence into her pups so they can be ready to tackle the world independently once they head home.

Meiko quietly creates her own bubble of what energy she needs and doesn't need. Breaking field only at certain times to bring in fragments of what builds her up and doesn't fracture what she needs to protect. Again, we should all do this a little more. She's a glowing mama with a gorgeous baby bump that is growing bigger every day. We'll get x- days in a couple of wks for puppy # count for all those eagerly awaiting news.

Isla's litter list filled completely this week with some phenomenal families. She will bring drop dead gorgeous honey-colored pups that I very much am looking forward to. I am blessed beyond belief to have such an amazing following that pour their whole heart and soul into trusting me and this process. We will patiently let mother nature work its magic for pups for her and trust this process to know that this will shift when it was meant to shift.

Leia is growing thicker, bigger, wider and more glorious by the day. Entertaining and sweet all in one bundle of love.

The gem pups are nearly 9 lbs. Now and are fat, chonky, happy, healthy and building new skills every moment. The growth is moment to moment around here. Tonka removes himself from the yard when the energy is too much for him and requests to go play with the babies. He teaches patience, how to be gentle, to be compliment, how to share nicely, bite softly and to communicate effectively. Raising babies and a toddler of course calls for some altering in our schedule but the pros way outweigh the cons.

The pups got exposed to water earlier this week and tried out their swimming legs. Being a bit too relaxed in water lead to more bobbing than actual swimming but the exposure was great. We will keep rotating them through water to give everyone a chance to show their skills.

Crate feeding is going great and they are quickly learning the routine. They know the drill so well that Rudolph/Finian from my last litter would scale up the front of my baby crate tower and put himself into one of the top crates so he could get fed quicker. They are learning to be content longer in their individual crates and are crying less each time. Huge praise for the babies!

Potty training is also being perfected and they show me up every day. Such smart babes!!! They love their wobble board, planting all 4 feetsies up on it all at once and trembling to get their balance. I continue to sit with them multiple times a day and soak them up as much as I can. I watch their personalities not only come out but blossom and bloom bright and beautiful. There are a couple pups that stand out to me a bit more than others but I will continue to watch and note their every move almost until the very last day here with me. I know without a doubt they will let me know where they are supposed to be placed. The importance to this matching process is exceptionally high and has been extremely successful. I thank you all for trusting me in this step of the process.

SO much to share and not enough space!!!

So much learning is still ahead for these pups and I'm there for it all. I share their milestones with their families and share their excitement. They come in and visit weekly to quietly sit and to calmly play. They watch their antics and note their personality differences as they change week to week. So fun to be able to share all of this with these very few lucky families.

OK until next week everyone!!!!


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