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If you have limited access to your yard for quick potty trips here’s your chance to get a hold of a potty system that works flawlessly. Whether you have a living space on the top floor of your home with a balcony, too many stairs in between your puppy zone and outside or live in an apartment, these potty trays are the perfect solution to get you through the critically important continuing potty-training weeks ahead.

These grated top potty trays are raved about in the breeding world and there isn’t anything else out there quite as perfect as this system. 1-inch spaced holes designed for almost the perfect drop through. Add in wood animal bedding pellets into the tray or disposable potty pads.


Strong durable plastic trays.

Vinyl coated grids are extremely durable.


  • 36 x 24 x 3 5/8 Dimensions
  • Note- currently, local pickup only

Grated Potty Trays

Excluding Sales Tax
Only 3 left in stock
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