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Pups 5 wks. old

Writer's picture: Hoekema FamilyHoekema Family

This week has been full of home visits, long days of sunshine, plenty of yard time, mass growth and endless puppy snuggles. The difference in these pups from last week to this week has been tremendous. They went from getting around and exploring a few feet away from the porch to full blown running, romping, playing, and exploring almost every corner of the yard. They are all incredibly endearing and beyond entertaining. We have all been blessed to stay healthy through this challenging time to keep our doors open to be able to share these pups with many of you. The ones that are following us from a far, my hope is by keeping you up to date in this way your heart will be touched and your days will be just a touch brighter.

As the days get warmer lately and the pups get bigger they are able to stay outside longer to be able to do what real dogs should be doing. They are learning how to play nice, explore on their own, eat dirt, and get to know their own shadows. They are able to experience new noises like the neighbors revving their trucks engines in the background, kids riding on quads past their yard, the bustle of others around them and the simple pleasures of nature that comes in to visit them.

More visitors have been incredibly good for everyone. The pups have been thoroughly enjoying their new buddies and the other dogs have been learning their manners as they are quickly realizing that this is becoming a bit of a habit around here. I'm not sure who has gotten the most out of the visits, the pups or the visitors themselves. Smiles have been wide, hearts have been touched, days have been happier and the sparkle of white fur on clothing has been added to everyone. The research for a really good vacuum for everyone has been started!

Crate Training has been incorporated into our daily routine. Each pup gets his or her own turn in the puppy crates to take a nap on their own which they are adapting to rather quickly. This will continue through the weeks ahead so crate training will be rather established by the time they go home to you.

Potty training has been going exceptionally well with each and every pup doing their business where they should. This should be well on it's way by the time the pups leave here to have this transition go fairly well for all. It's been amazing to watch all the pups have a glint in their eyes and a hop to their step when you see the 'click' happen in them knowing they are doing the right thing. They only thing these dogs want to do is to please you. So when you see these wee tiny pups do this 'click' so early it concretes it in for me over and over that this is by far the best family dog out there.

Here's Meiko once again playing the crazy nanny loved by all. If you have other dogs in the household you can thank Meiko for conditioning your new baby to play well with your current dog. Another moment that is thoroughly entertaining!

Sola has started to wean the pups slowly but surely. It's not very often that she will lay down anymore like this for any length of time. In the next 2 wks. she will will have naturally weaned them close to completely so the last week here with us they will know that they are on their own with only their big kid food.

More pics. of crate training as a group to start with. Retrievers do very well staying warm outside all on their own but coats are nice for those wet soggy days. I throw coats on the dogs when we go for a walk and it's pouring down rain. Their fur stays wet forever so this helps them stay dry and cozy. Not to mention they look stink'n cute!

Round puppy faces take over all the space in my phone these days as I'm consumed with cutest each and everyday. I am thrilled to be able to share this overwhelming cuteness load with so many of you. These next few weeks will fly by so enjoy these pics. and for those of you who get the opportunity to bring one of these babes home, enjoy your rest now and your furless home. Puppy time is right around the corner!


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