Time has passed, patience has been tested, people have changed plans, vets have been brought on board, and mother nature has just chuckled from behind I am sure.
It's all part of this journey. As much as I'd like timing to be more spot on, we are all at the mercy of nature. Having said this, this journey has indeed begun.
For many of you, you've been with me awhile pacing and longing to get word that your future fur baby will be one step closer in the making. Many more on the sidelines are also waiting for this announcement to hear that this journey has started just in simple hopes that there might be an extra pup or 2 that they could have the honor of filling their hearts and homes with. I am ecstatic to pass along this great news to you all as I know so many of you have been long awaiting this announcement. I will be watching Meiko very closely now as she just passed her 5 mth. mark so it is very likely that Sola will pull Meiko along with her. Again we'll watch and just wait with her. Of course I'll update any changes along the way. Here's some new dates for everyone....
For me I will cancel all my tentative plans (I never have set plans in the middle of cycle windows anyway) for July 4th and just focus solely on getting Sola over to Silas a few times to make sure this pairing is fully successful and well on its way.
Breeding window - July 2nd through the 9th.
Ultrasound to confirm pregnancy - Day 30
Tentative Due Date - Sept. 4th
Pups go Home Oct. 29th - 30th weekend
Yah!!! I am over the moon for everyone on board with me for this upcoming litter and all those that are just watching this journey with us in anticipation for a future pup from us here.
All of us send our very best as you head into a very hot next few days. Splash in the pool, drink out of the hose, roll in the grass, lounge in the shade and run with your besties.