The magic of new potential future life is on the horizon and I am overjoyed to share with you all that Meiko is hopefully going to be the one that is indeed going to bring back the magic of what this journey is supposed to be all about.

I have gone through ebbs and flows recently, then more ebbs and a few more but my spirits are lifted and the balance of ebbs and flows are leveling out and we have more balance yet again around here.
Meiko with her ear to ear classic smile about her is proud to pass along that one more step is behind us and puppies should now show up in early Dec.
Yes, you heard that correct, if everything aligns and we are blessed to have the energy shift in our favor, Meiko puppies should be on the way.
We all know all too well about the reality of what not only I have gone through recently but really what everyone goes through in their own way to pass and surpass the realities of what life throws at us. We all juggle in our own way and do what we have to, do what we can to get through and then to keep the passion shining in our lives.
I always strive to create magic, brilliance, joy and overwhelming excitement of what looking forward to future puppies is all about.
The reality is though, this whole idea of puppies is unfortunately not magic, sorry to burst your bubble here. I love bubbles so I hate to be the one to burst it, but here’s the thing… this misconception of the idea that seems to be oh so common that you can put 2 dogs together every 6 mths. and 4 mths. Later you get to cart off a white wiggily fluffy fur baby in a red radio flyer wagon is just not in the cards. If we're lucky... extremely blessed, a small few handful of families get to be honored in this image.
Now I don't say this to be harsh, but only to bring education, value and appreciation to the outcome. There have been half a dozen Vet Visits for testing in just this breeding alone, multi double digit hrs. of driving, a very car sick dog, #’s not coming back as expected, shifting, shuffling, re-scheduling, but making it all happen so I can bring the ‘magic’ for you all. The behind the scenes details are endless of what I pour into making this magic unfold in front of your eyes. Who doesn't like magic right?!
So the details continue into the night, fly with the fur all over my days and the energy of it all sinks into the earth where my heart and soul lie. The beauty of life starts to surface through the bustle of these details and the excitement of puppy breath trump the reality of the bursting bubbles, at least a little. The giggles from children, the faces on older couples, the look on 1st time puppy buyers faces all make the reality of the journey a little more magical at least in the moment.
I am extremely blessed beyond belief at having so many people not only hear me out when I talk about the details, the hardships, the uglies and the trials and tribulations but start to understand a bit more at how very special getting their hands on one of these babies really is. Take Trooper for instance, I have gone through the wringer to get Trooper to where he is today, and he is extra special because of this because of his fighting nature. I have been poured with support in getting this little guy through. So when I was laying on my cot in the doghouse for the 14th night fighting with him, listening to all 4 dogs sniff and snuff into the night reading all your amazing comments, I knew at that point, you knew.
So thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support, the understanding and the patience on this journey so we can create your very own white wiggily fluffy fur baby in the red radio flyer image for you.
So as the holidays approach and the joyous commotion and slight hollabaloo of the energy of it all is near, let me bring you magic. It's what I do, it's what I love and what you all deserve after being ever so patient as you waited for this glorious journey to start.
Whether it's fighting in the middle of the night for life, or bathing dirty but extremely happy pups or simply playing and snuggling beautifully fluffy fur balls I promise you I will create the image for you that you had in mind.
So schedule your Christmas bustle and then on a down day in the middle of the Christmas spirit, come for a puppy snuggle. Then go home and rest and relax, clean up from the holidays, set up your puppy play pen and come back to pick up your beautiful babe to start this next year off with puppy kisses, warm lap snuggles, endless looks of happiness, more fur to glitter your home and the joy of starting this year off on the right foot... an extra 4 to be exact.
Let's jump back to Trooper..
He's gaining, walking, waddling, playing and thinks he's a real life dog now. He is getting SO BIG!! stronger, faster, more confident and has the best sweetest personality around. You wouldn't even know he was a 'swimmer' going through his struggles last week to get his belly off the ground. He very quickly earned a bigger play space this week and is immediately doing fabulous with his potty and crate training. Yah! Such a smart little guy! He gets very supervised outdoor playtime as the other dogs are good with him but he's still pretty small so he gets pummeled pretty quick. When I bring Sola out to play ball he comes along so he has the freedom to walk about with out the younger dogs completely soaking him down with kisses. Sola has dropped a couple lbs. which is great since I realized I was still feeding her as I would if she still had a whole litter to feed. She's crabby at me when I schedule feed her with all the others but as soon as she sees that ball her brain switches in a flash and off she goes.
Troopers forever family comes today to visit him for the first time which we all are looking forward to in a mighty hefty way. I hope with everything I am and do for him that he'll be ready to go at the 8 wk. mark but he'll get assessed week to week and we'll see how he does. He's eating on his own now and slowly his mush/formula/rice cereal mixture has been getting turned into just kibble with water. He's gaining and making progress at his own speed but he's doing fabulous for him.
He went on a field trip yesterday with us to my daughters Senior Photo shoot. Tucked under our arm he was happy as a clam. Got exposed to a car ride, saw the sights, smelled river air and got some darling pictures of him in his bow times didn't make it passed the top of his head as my daughters couldn't resist making it into a hair bow. ha! Girls for ya! Lots of great socialization was had!
It's been an extremely busy week, long but successful and exciting. We all can bask in the sunshine of this bright warm Sunday knowing that this next year ahead is going to be....well...'magical'