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  • Writer's pictureHoekema Family


Sola's thick dense coat still somewhat hides her belly bump this week (unless you flip her over that is!) but it's very apparent to me and I feel it growing under my hand every day. She is losing her waist line rapidly at this point. The feathers on the bottom of her belly creep higher and start to fly out. All telltale signs that baby growth is about to explode in the weeks ahead.

Ultrasound images are so much clearer to even the un-educated eye. The little dots are now full-fledged beans growing into their own individual spaces. Behavior continues to be reserved and protective. This is becoming her norm day to day. She tucks under my hand and is happy just to hang out with me as everyone else rips around. As we all know, Meiko steals my other hand and plants herself close, anticipating her time which I know is right around the corner.

This glorious sunshine turns to snow and back to sunshine in a matter of a few hours. The dogs are up for anything and we are ready for everything. Bring it mother nature, bring it.

The wonderful bright days bring on the puppy inquiries full force and I continue to promise sweet Isla pups to many. Her demeanor is perfect and your caramel zebra coloring steals hearts left and right.

My darling Leia is up next, up to the plate to get cleared for what her future holds ahead. So excited to have her on board and almost there to join in with the big girls.

Down to Olympia at the crack of dawn this morning to get her OFA Clearances and Pennhip Testing completed. Her pedigree holds some strong tight structure, exceptional demeanors and phenomenal longevity. She's the perfect girl in every way shape and form. I'm excited to bless so many with her beautiful pups ahead.

Meiko also came to get her OFA Finals completed and her Pennhip testing under her belt. I have been ecstatic to add this Pennhip testing to my program this year as a scientific measurement surpasses an opinionated result by leaps and bounds.

I have no doubt both girls will bring nothing but great strong results and their future here with us is bright and successful. The girls are completely flat out exhausted now as traveling just isn’t there thing. Many sick moments later and on the way back swaying to the side affects of their sedation took it’s toll. You can see in some of these pictures that Leia was really feeling it on the way back. Some extra snugs and snuggles tonight are in order before they hit the hay.

Photos and updates of the Reindeer babies continue to flood in and my heart combusts with gratitude for so many keeping in such close touch as milestones are crossed and sleepovers are had! YES! Sleepovers! The families of these darling pups are stepping up to the plate left and right taking in each others babies as events and prior engagements are being met. I couldn’t ask for a tighter family.

In the midst of being patient and waiting for shifts, I wash and paint puppy kennels, sit in the sunshine with the dogs and soak up everything in between.

All my very best to all my Sola Families ahead, all my Meiko families soon following and my newest Isla families anticipating the fall and winter months and what it all has to bring everyone.


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