By the end of today everyone is wiped out but really, in the best way possible. Families came in for the first time to meet their new forever furbaby which was nothing short of incredibly fun. New faces, excited giggles, eager hands and snuggles for miles. Mesmerized looks and ear to ear smiles makes all the late nights and extra effort double times over worth every minute.
Look at the love, the love in their embrace, the anticipation in the whole shot. This is why I do what I do. I love every minute of watching people melt over these new babes.
I was able to get the pups outside for a few outings the last 3 days as the skies opened up and blessed us with a touch of warmth. Got their little toes into the bark and dirt into their fur like dogs should. Sola basked in the sunshine completely content to just be.
Of course this was them afterwards, happily dozing from all the excitement they received from all their visitors. Everyone put their best foot forward and showed off all their new tricks. Potty training in process, playing nicely with others, contently sitting on laps without a fuss. A bit of whining and fussing took place as they roamed the yard but the chill that's still lingering makes anyone whine and fuss a bit these days.

Sola is shining just like I knew she would. She is a doting mother and watches over her darlings closely. I love the love in her eyes as she looks at me as if saying thank you for helping me be the mama I knew I could be.
The pups are now all over 6 lbs. and well on their way to pushing into their 2nd and last stint here with me. Potty training is going phenomenally and crate training starts tomorrow. By the time they go home with you they will have learned that the crate is their cozy safe zone and a spot to call their own. Puppy food is being backed more and more daily making bellies round and happy. Each pup is growing as they should and getting their own little personalities more and more each and everyday. I take note on each quirk, change, trait and differences day to day to be able to pass that along to each and every family. I am thrilled beyond believe at the beauty of this litter and how uniform everyone is.
This next week ahead will be filled with a lot of outside time as the weather is going to stay open for awhile. They will get the chance to destroy a few ferns, dig in the dirt and eat some leaves. They will all get the opportunity to pull a leash around for a few minutes to feel the extra weight getting them ready to be lead eventually. Car trips are also on the agenda for next week to try to work the car sickness out of them a touch earlier as this is a common issue for wee pups. Music got played and vacuum cleaners got ran. Oh what fun! New visitors continue to come in this next week to visit their new pup but also in the anticipation for the possibility of adopting their own new pup later this summer. It'll be here in a flash, it always does.
I leave you tonight with these pics. and wish you all well. Stay well and happy, take care of each other and be in touch. We all send our very best!